ACZM Murray E. Fowler Lifetime Achievement Award
Murray E. Fowler is recognized as the father of zoological medicine - a term that he gave the specialty he launched at University of California, Davis in 1967. Dr. Fowler was widely regarded for his teaching, scholarship and clinical practices that have been used to train veterinarians at zoos, universities and wildlife centers globally. He authored the first textbook on zoo animal medicine and was an author or editor of more than 25 books and more than 250 academic papers. Dr. Fowler was a founding member of the American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM), the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM), and the American College of Veterinary Toxicology (ACVT). He was a charter member and past-President of the American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM), past-President of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV), and was a member of many other professional organizations including the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), the Brazilian zoo veterinarians (they even have a group called Groupo Fowler in his honor). He served as Editor of the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. (1977-1988), and he was a Trustee of the Morris Animal Foundation (1981-1986), supporting a research fund for wildlife health. During his long career he was a mentor to many of the leaders in the field of zoological medicine today and this award is one way the ACZM will contribute to keeping his legacy alive.

The 2024 recipient of the Murray Fowler Lifetime Achievement Award is
Dr. Joanne Paul-Murphy
Dr. Joanne Paul-Murphy, DVM, DACZM, DACAW is the 2024 recipient of the Murray Fowler Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Paul-Murphy graduated with her DVM from Cornell University and then completed a zoological medicine residency under Dr. Murray Fowler in 1986. She has held previous veterinary positions at the University of California, Davis, the California Primate Center, the Wisconsin Regional Primate Center, and University of Wisconsin. During her tenure as clinician, educator, and researcher, she has impacted the professional lives of hundreds of students, dozens of residents and thousands of animals.
Dr. Paul-Murphy has an international scientific presence, having authored or co-authored over 150 peer reviewed publications, more than 40 textbook chapters, and over 100 abstracts or other scientific presentations. She is internationally recognized for her expertise in analgesia, particularly in avian analgesia. Dr Paul-Murphy has an incredible service record, having served on multiple committees within the American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM), the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV), The Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV), the Association of Women Veterinarians, the Wildlife Society, amongst others. Impressively, in the late 2000's, Dr Paul-Murphy was a founding member of the American College of Animal Welfare. She has received multiple awards celebrating her contributions to zoological medicine including theAnimal Welfare Award from the American Veterinary Medical Association in 2019 and the TJ Lafeber Avian Practitioner of the Year Award in 2014.
In the letters of support submitted from ACZM Diplomates descriptions of Dr Paul-Murphy's impact on the profession were numerous. Described as a "trail-blazer" within her field and applauded for mentoring many in the field, the ACZM is proud to bestow her with this great honor.
Award Information:
This award recognizes an ACZM Diplomate that has demonstrated exceptional commitment and contributions to the ACZM while making significant lifetime contributions that have advanced the discipline of zoological medicine. This award was created in honor of Murray Fowler, who was also the award's first designee in 2014. The award was accepted posthumously by Dr. Fowler's wife, Audrey. The award is presented at the annual ACZM business meeting. It is awarded to no more than one Diplomate per year and will only be awarded in years when a Diplomate has been nominated by a member of the college and successfully approved by the ACZM Executive Committee.
To nominate a Diplomate for the ACZM Murray E. Fowler Lifetime Achievement Award a diplomate must submit a letter that provides the reasons for the nomination, two additional letters of support from ACZM members, and the individual's CV. All nomination materials are sent to the ACZM secretary (
Prior Recipients:
2023: Dr. Scott B. Citino
2022: Dr. James Carpenter
2021: Dr. R. Eric Miller
2020: Dr. Donald Janssen
2018: Dr. Mitch Bush
2017: Dr. Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf
2016: Dr. Kay Mehren
2015: Dr. Dick Montali
2014: (Inaugural) Dr. Murray E. Fowler